Monday 22 February 2010

"We Are Time's Subjects"

I realise it has been far too long since I last blogged. Far too long indeed. This merely goes to show how much work I've had in the past few weeks for university. When I look back (and indeed forward) it seems like an unbelievable amount. I am quite honestly amazed that I'm just about managing to keep up with it all.

There have been several 'yes' instances in the past few weeks, so, very shortly I will be logging those on here. Yet again, I am pushed for time (hence the title of today's post - it's from Shakespeare's Henry IV Part 2 if anyone's interested). I will leave the mass of things I have to write about until another day, or days. (It could end up a very long post if I did all in one).

One very important 'yes' before I go. After thinking I would go and see my newborn nephew (YES - how exciting and just generally amazing!) next weekend or sometime after that, I agreed to go and meet all my family yesterday and visit my sister and the lovely little one. He is beautiful! I will write more about this in another post. As I'm sure you can tell - I am very, very HAPPY and EXCITED about this!

For now,

Much Love xxx


  1. Congratulations on your new nephew! Good luck with all your course work.

    Stopping by from SITS!

  2. Come back to blog land! It's such a fun place.

    Good luck with everything going on.

    Welcome to SITS!

  3. Enjoy your family time! It sounds like you need it to get your mind off all your obligations! :o)

    p.s. Welcome to the SITS community!

  4. Visiting you from SITS! Glad you were able to say YES to some fun things like visiting family.

  5. Newborns are absolutely so precious. I hope you had a great visit with your new nephew!!!

    I'm stopping by from SITS to welcome you to the community! We are happy to have you!

  6. Congrats on the newborn nephew. Do post pics. I love babies! Welcome to SITS!

  7. I hope your back soon!

    I'm just stopping in from SITS to say hello & welcome!

  8. It's hard to make time for all the things we want to do.....

    Welcome to SITS! Come on over to my blog(when you have some time) hee hee...I'm giving away a $25.00 g.c. for new sunglasses. Who doesn't need new sunglasses? :D

  9. Yes!

    Remember... sometimes, you have to say No! Like when you are too busy to blog :)

    Stopping from SITS!

    Welcome :)
